In the Doctor Who universe, the TARDIS is a vehicle that travels through time and space. It stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space. It is a box that’s smaller outside but bigger in the inside (click here for a video explanation).
Build your TARDIS underground. The TARDIS will be your home, and it should contain all rooms, necessities and luxuries. You can only have one access point to your TARDIS, meaning you can only have one doorway leading underground, just like a bunker.
You can disguise the access point to your TARDIS. It can be the traditional “blue box”, a home, a diner or anything. The only limit is your imagination, so go wild!
Since your Time Lord is using their knowledge of Transdimensional Engineering, you can use lot modifications (bb.moveobjects on and bb.ignoregameplayunlocksentitlement). Also, you can enlarge objects by holding “SHIFT” and pressing “]”, and if you want to reduce the size, hold “SHIFT” and press “[“.
You can use money cheats such as kaching, rosebud, or motherlode. Lot Traits for your TARDIS must remain empty.
If you don't want a TARDIS and live underground all your life, then you can always build a normal home on your land and stay on the surface.
But your Time Lord doesn't call it a "home", but instead calls it a "TAHDIS". It stands for Temporal and Habituating Domicile in Space.
To simulate time travel, convert a neighborhood to your chosen era or theme. In the neighborhood, have at least (1) residential lot and (1) rental lot with your chosen theme. If there are other lots in the neighborhood, convert them to the same theme with any lot type of your choosing. This way, the neighborhood will feel like a time travel destination.
Populate residential lots with sims wearing appropriate clothing to the chosen theme. You are allowed to use the cheat freerealestate on to move them in.
If a converted "Residential" lot does not have a front door, add a 1 x 1
building with a door. Once done, set this as the front door, so your
Time Lord can knock on it when they visit the lot.
Here are suggested timelines.
Each timeline has a hashtag that you can use to search The Gallery.
- Prehistoric Times
- Gallery: #prehistoric #tribal #jungle
- Dawn of Civilization
- Gallery: #greek #egyptian #asian #aztec
- Distant Past
- Gallery: #medieval #victorian # gothic #western #wildwest
- The Present
- Gallery: #modern #90s
- Far Future
- Gallery: #futuristic #apocalypse #utopia #mars
- Alien Civilizations
- Gallery: #alien #scifi #spaceship
- Alternate Timelines
- Gallery: #fantasy #fairy #steampunk #cyberpunk
Having a companion is not a requirement, but they enliven the challenge and keep your Time Lord company.
There are two ways to gain a companion: you can befriend them and ask
them to move in, or you can add them in your household via “Manage
Household.” If that sim has a family or roommates, you can bring them in
or leave them out.
Your companions cannot purchase Youth Potions for
themselves or for your Time Lord.
Children can be born or adopted in the household. The parents can either
be your Time Lord or companions. The children are considered companions
and therefore cannot regenerate.
Pets are allowed in the household.
As a Time Lord, you have control of time (except yours).
Played or Unplayed Sim Households can be aged up with birthday cakes or with cas.fulleditmode in Manage Household. For the sake of roleplay, you should not age down any sim.
If you want a Played Sim Household to age, you must change them to Unplayed and then check Auto Aging Unplayed Sims. To do this, go to Household Management, then click on their plumbob.
If you want an Unplayed Sim Household to stop aging, you can change them to Played by clicking their “Play” button and then exiting back to Manage World.
The Doctor owns a handy device called a Sonic Screwdriver. It has helped him and his companions in so many ways, escaping tight spots, disabling machinery and tripping traps. (click here for an explanation)
To simulate using a Sonic
Screwdriver, max out your Handiness skill so they can upgrade Appliances
and Electronics. When they upgrade these fixtures, they will pull out
and use a screwdriver.
You can go to rental lots (or any lots) and upgrade any fixtures you come across, all the while pretending that you're "fixing" things.
Ravenwood is the "world at the end of time and space." It's where Sims who are ripped out of the space-time continuum dwell, and they try to return to their timeline through the Baleful Bog.
Baleful Bog is the "waters of time." Time Lords are naturally attuned to the waters of time, and it's this body of water where their displaced psyche returns to their regenerating body.
The Grim Reaper is an entity that is neither an alien or a Time Lord. Though they display Time-Lord-like powers, they are a stronger entity. Death and their minions are also masters of space and time.
Ghosts are "Sims trapped in a pocket universe," borrowing the concept from the Doctor Who episode "Hide" ( They can also be a hologram of past Sims or a holographic representation of a computer.
To roleplay with Villains, you can switch between your incarnation's main Aspiration and "Public Enemy" aspiration. Declared Enemies will be your incarnation's Villains.
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