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First: Mean, Outgoing, Snob
Goal: Freelance Botanist Aspiration, Gardening Skill
Second: Music Lover, Goofball, Noncommittal, Dancing Machine (if expansion is available)
Goal: Musical Genius Aspiration, Violin Skill
Third: Snob, Self-Assured, Hot-Headed
Goal: Nerd Brain Aspiration, Rocket Science Skill
Fourth: Erratic, Goofball, Foodie, Dog Lover (if expansion is available)
Goal: Master Chef Aspiration, Cooking Skill, Gourmet Cooking Skill
Fifth: Childish, Bro, Active
Goal: Bodybuilder Aspiration, Party Animal Aspiration, Fitness Skill
Sixth: Mean, Bookworm, Erratic, Cat Lover (if expansion is available)
Goal: Chief of Mischief Aspiration, Friend of the Animals Aspiration, Mischief Skill, Pet Training Skill
Seventh: Outgoing, Evil, Lazy
Goal: Renaissance Sim Aspiration, Logic Skill, Charisma Skill
Eighth: Romantic, Loves Outdoors, Art Lover
Goal: Serial Romantic Aspiration, Piano Skill
WAR: Evil, Loner, Gloomy
Goal: Public Enemy Aspiration, Mixology Skill
Ninth: Good, Outgoing, Gloomy
Goal: Friend of the World Aspiration, Programming Skill, Handiness Skill
Tenth: Goofball, Romantic, Hot-Headed
Goal: Soulmate Aspiration, Comedy Skill
Eleventh: Childish, Cheerful, Geek, Unflirty (if expansion is available)
Goal: Computer Whiz Aspiration, Angling Ace Aspiration, Fishing Skill, Video Gaming Skill
Twelfth: Hot-Headed, Music Lover, Bookworm
Goal: Mansion Baron Aspiration, Guitar Skill
Thirteenth: Active, Good, Outgoing
Goal: Any aspiration and skill available
Instead of hand-picking traits for your Time Lord, you can follow The Path of The Doctor.
You do not have to design your Time Lord to look exactly like The Doctor, but you can take creative liberties to mimic him. They can be any gender.
To provide direction and immerse yourself as The Doctor, you can complete the optional goals for each incarnation.
- Traits: Mean, Outgoing, Snob
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Child or Teen Sim
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Freelance Botanist Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Gardening skill
- Clothing Style
- Classic, Victorian
Music, as they say, is the blessed sister of time. And so you have taken the habit of playing the violin to sort your thoughts, figure your problems, and unravel your schemes.
- Traits: Music Lover, Goofball, Noncommittal, Dancing Machine (if expansion available)
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Music Lover or Dancing Machine trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Musical Genius Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Violin skill
- Clothing Style
- Modern, Bow-tie
You feel that you have lost something, something important as a home. This drives you to work on a ship that would hopefully bring back the thing you had lost.
- Traits: Snob, Self-Assured, Hot-Headed
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Self-Assured trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Nerd Brain Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Rocket Science skill
- Clothing Style
- Classic, Victorian
You enjoy good food, especially deserts. You have taken the spatula and ladle to master the fine art of cuisine, in the hopes of finding the perfect recipe for your favorite candy called jelly babies.
- Traits: Erratic, Goofball, Foodie, Dog Lover (if expansion is available)
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Foodie trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Master Chef Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Cooking skill and Gourmet Cooking skill
- Clothing Style
- Modern, Scarf, Wide-brimmed Hat
Your youthful energy may cause you to spontaneously combust, but thankfully you have picked a habit of working it out through sports.
- Traits: Childish, Bro, Active
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Bro trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Bodybuilder Aspiration
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Party Animal Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Fitness skill
- Clothing Style
- Classic, Bright
You have fully committed to the role of trickster, even wearing clothes so mismatched that the fashion police has a warrant for your arrest.
- Traits: Mean, Bookworm, Erratic, Cat Lover (if expansion is available)
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Mean or Cat Lover trait (if expansion is available). You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Chief of Mischief Aspiration. Or Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Friend of the Animals Aspiration (if expansion is available)
- Max out your Time Lord’s Mischief skill or Pet Training skill (if expansion is available)
- Clothing Style
- Wacky, Mismatched Colors
Those you encounter are nothing more but chess pieces for your schemes. It’s nothing personal, you think, because all of this is just a game.
- Traits: Outgoing, Evil, Lazy
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Snob trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Renaissance Sim Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Logic and Charisma skill
- Clothing Style
- Classic, Panama Hat
You love everything. You love mother nature. You love art and books and food and what not. You love everyone and hope to meet the love of your life!
- Traits: Romantic, Loves Outdoors, Art Lover
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Art Lover trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Serial Romantic Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Piano skill
- Clothing Style
- Classic, Victorian
There is a desire to end something. A war, a conflict? The universe perhaps? This desire becomes a thirst, and so you search for the elixir to end this painful desire.
- Traits: Evil, Loner, Gloomy
- Optional Goals:
- Have 4 Declared Enemies
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Public Enemy Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Mixology skill
- Clothing Style
- Modern, Trench Coat
Things are broken in your wake, but you decide to piece it all together. Eventually, you learn that you cannot do it alone, so you search for new friends.
- Traits: Good, Outgoing, Gloomy
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Good trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Friend of the World Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Programming skill and Handiness skill
- Clothing Style
- Modern, Leather Jacket
With the pieces back together, so are your two hearts. You feel that you are ready to love another soul, and pray that doomsday may never come.
- Traits: Goofball, Romantic, Hot-Headed
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Goofball trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Soulmate Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Comedy skill
- Clothing Style
- Modern, Trench Coat, Necktie, Glasses
You see the world through the eyes of a child, claiming that everything is cool, even that fez and bowtie. The world is your playground, so you don’t mind getting a little dirt on you.
- Traits: Childish, Cheerful, Geek, Unflirty (if expansion is available)
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Childish trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Computer Whiz Aspiration
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of The Angling Ace Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Fishing skill and Video Gaming skill
- Clothing Style
- Modern, Bow-tie, Fez Hat
Even with all your accomplishments and rewards, even with all the reverence and respect from the lives you have enriched and scorned, you finally realize that you’re just an idiot with a box. And that is okay.
- Traits: Hot-Headed, Music Lover, Bookworm
- Optional Goals:
- Be Good Friends with a Sim with the Bookworm trait. You can move them in your household if you wish.
- Complete Level 3 or Level 4 of Mansion Baron Aspiration
- Max out your Time Lord’s Guitar skill
- Clothing Style
- Modern, Formal
A new you, and a new experience! You may have lived many many many lives, but you haven't experienced yourself in this way.
- Traits: Active, Good, Outgoing
- Optional Goals:
- Have three sims as Companions
- Clothing Style
- Modern, Suspenders
thirteenth doctor anytime soon?
ReplyDeleteAfter the season is over. :) I wanted to get a feel of the character first before adding her in.
ReplyDeleteI've recently started a Doctor Who marathon going all the way back to one. While I'm watching I'm simming of course.
ReplyDeleteUpon starting up my newest legacy I think to myself why not really combine them?
So, long story short thank you for giving me a guiding hand here.
Obviously not exactly a time lord challenge but the principals there I think.