"Life & Death Expansion Pack" Gameplay

 In the "Life & Death Expansion Pack" Gameplay, your Time Lord will age and die, but "regenerated" through the expansion's Rebirth system.

Create a new game, then design your Time Lord. They can be any gender, color, voice and walk. However, they cannot be a special type of sim (ghost, alien, vampire, etc.).

Choose any traits and aspirations, EXCEPT for Fabulously Wealthy. If you want to follow the "Path of The Doctor", pick Mean, Outgoing, Snob and Freelance Botanist.

Likes and Dislikes must remain empty EXCEPT for Handiness. You must Like the Handiness Activity. Roleplay-wise, this will be the "Sonic Screwdriver" (click here for an explanation).

Their age must be set to Adult. You cannot choose any other age. If you want to roleplay as an Elder, change their hair to gray and add wrinkles in “Skin Details”.

To name your Time Lord, think of a profession, a title, an object or anything. Whatever you choose will be their Last Name. For example, if you chose engineer, then their last name is “Engineer”. If you are having a hard time thinking of a Last Name, go to http://timelord.namegeneratorfun.com

Now that you have your Time Lord’s Last Name, set the first name as “First”. With the example above, your Time Lord’s name should be “First Engineer".

Click the Game Settings, and modify the settings as follows:
  • Auto Age (Played Sims): Active Household Only
  • Auto Age (Unplayed Sims): Checked
  • Sim Lifespan: Short
  • Build Mode Items Grant Gameplay Effects: Checked
Once done, save your First Time Lord in your Gallery and click Play.

You must move your Time Lord in a 50 x 50 lot or larger. If the lot is occupied, you must evict the occupying household, bulldoze it and move your Time Lord in. This will be your Time Lord’s permanent lot, which means they cannot move out from it.
You can build a house, a TARDIS or both. For a guide on creating a TARDIS, click here for the roleplay section.
Lot Traits for your TARDIS must remain empty.
Money cheats are allowed such as kaching, rosebud, and motherlode. You may opt not to use any money cheats.

There are three objectives to complete: Aspirations, Skills and Collections
ASPIRATIONS: Each incarnation must complete their chosen Aspiration, before aging to an Elder. When they complete their aspiration, have your Time Lord take a selfie and rename it to the aspiration completed. The selfie must be kept in the TARDIS. You can change aspirations any time, BUT ONLY to aspirations completed by past incarnations.

SKILLS: Each incarnation must level up a chosen Skill to 8 or greater, before aging to an Elder. When they reached level 8 on this chosen Skill, have your Time Lord take a selfie and rename it to the Skill achieved. The selfie must be kept in the TARDIS. Only their chosen Skill will be scored.

COLLECTIONS: Complete at least 8 collections before the challenge ends. The collectibles must be kept in the TARDIS. Extra collectibles can be sold to avoid clutter. The plaque for completing a collection must be kept in the TARDIS.

In the Doctor Who universe, a Time Lord regenerates when they are mortally wounded or in the brink of death. (click here to learn more)
Before they die, you must complete your incarnation's Objectives and "Dreams Fulfilled" in Soul's Journey. You can drink a Potion of Youth, but there will be 1 point deducted from your score. You cannot use a Death Flower or Death Frog to prevent their death.

When they have completed their Objectives and "Dreams Fulfilled", you have the option to Age Up to Elder and/or "have a dramatic death" on your Time Lord.

When your Time Lord is dying, choose "Become a Playable Ghost". Roleplay-wise, your Time Lord is in a "state of regeneration" when they're in this ghost form. It's advisable that you set their Ghost Color to gold and disable Mood Color changes.

While your Time Lord is a Ghost (or "state of regeneration"), they must actively pursue finishing the "The Big Picture" achievement in Soul's Journey for the Burning Soul trait. Once that is achieved, you must Rebirth through the Baleful Bog in Ravenwood. Once done, you must Rebirth back onto your TARDIS.

In CAS, pick three new traits NOT used by past Time Lords. Pick a new Aspiration that was not previously completed by your Time Lord. Activity Likes must be set to the Handiness Skills and a Skill that will be your next incarnation's focus. To keep track of Traits, Aspirations and Skills you had picked, click here for the tracking sheet: https://sims4timelordchallenge.blogspot.com/p/life-death-expansion-tracking-sheet.html

Randomize the look of your Time Lord. You can tweak their appearance, voice, gender and walk. They should not look like previous Time Lords. Change their first name to the next number. For example, if you are changing the “First”, then you must change their name to “Second”.

When you return to the world, you may reclaim as much of your past Reward Traits with "Peer Into Soul." To challenge yourself, you can limit how much Reward Traits you can claim. Later on, when in Ghost form again, claim all past Reward Traits so you do not lose them during Rebirth.
You can take a past Personality Trait through "Recall Past Life."

There will be 12 rebirths, giving you a total of 13 Time Lords.

Companions are important, especially during the Rebirth process. If you do not have a Companion when undergoing Rebirth, your Time Lord will lose their Collections progress and Personal Inventory.

If you want to roleplay having your Time Lord regenerate alone, you can add a Ghost Sim in your Household and name them "TARDIS HEART" (Holographic Embodiment And Repair Tool). They take on the role as the embodiment of your TARDIS. Once your Time Lord finishes their Rebirth, you may move out TARDIS HEART from your Household. You can move them back in if your Time Lord is regenerating alone again.
Companions can be moved out of the household at any time.

At the end of your Time Lord’s thirteenth incarnation, you can now add up their score. Total maximum score for the whole challenge is 76 points.

Aspirations (26 Points)

  • 2 Points for each selfie taken for Aspiration completion. Limit 1 selfie per incarnation.

Skills (26 Points)

  • 2 Point for each selfie taken for Skill completion. Limit 1 selfie per incarnation.

Collections (24 Points)

  • 3 Points for each completed Collection. Limit 8 collections.


  • Minus 1 Point for each Potion of Youth consumed.


To enhance your gameplay, click here for the ROLEPLAYING GUIDE.

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