Create a new game, then design your Time Lord. They can be any gender, color, voice and walk. However, they cannot be a special type of sim (ghost, alien, vampire, etc.).
Choose any traits and aspirations, EXCEPT for Fabulously Wealthy and Beach Life (Island Living). If you want to follow the "Path of The Doctor", pick Mean, Outgoing, Snob and Freelance Botanist.
Likes and Dislikes must remain empty. More on this later.
To name your Time Lord, think of a profession, a title, an object or anything. Whatever you choose will be their Last Name. For example, if you chose engineer, then their last name is “Engineer”. If you are having a hard time thinking of a Last Name, go to
Now that you have your Time Lord’s Last Name, set the first name as “First”. With the example above, your Time Lord’s name should be “First Engineer".
Click the Game Settings, and modify the settings as follows:
- Auto Age (Played Sims): Active Household Only
- Auto Age (Unplayed Sims): Checked
- Sim Lifespan: Normal
- Build Mode Items Grant Gameplay Effects: Checked
The TARDIS has a mind of its own. Sometimes they're cooperating.
Sometimes they're erratic. But that's part of the adventure with your
After paying your weekly bills, you must roll a six-sided dice. You can use a physical dice or online: .
a roll, you can only use low-level furniture based on the outcome of
your dice roll.
Low-level Beds (Mod Pod
Sleeper, Mod Pod Twin Sleeper,
Mod Pod Top Bunk, Mod Pod Bunk Bed)
Low-level Showers & Toilets (Post
Modern Shower Stall, The
3: Low-level
Radio (Residential Wall
Speaker; Kaboom Box)
4: Low-level Fridge & Stove (Crisponix
Budget Dee-lux; The YumCooker)
5: Low-level Computer &
Computer Chair (How Low Can You Go Deskblock Computer, Kindermade
6: No Low-level
Replacement. Or re-roll
again if
you want to.
When replacing a High-level furniture with a Low-level furniture, you must store the High-level furniture in the Household Inventory to preserve upgrades done to it.
When replacing Low-level
furniture with High-level furniture, you must sell the Low-level
furniture. Low-level furniture can be
upgraded, if you wish.
incarnation must complete at least 1 aspiration. When they complete
an aspiration, have your Time Lord take a selfie and rename it to the
aspiration completed. The selfie must be kept in the TARDIS.
You cannot choose a new aspiration until the next incarnation.
COLLECTIONS: Complete at least 8 collections before the challenge ends. The collectibles must be kept in the
TARDIS. Extra collectibles can be sold to avoid clutter. The plaque
for completing a collection must be kept in the TARDIS.
Each incarnation of your Time Lord must have 2 mementos. These
mementos must be kept in the TARDIS. The following items qualify as
- Painting of Time Lord created by another sim
- Photo of Time Lord taken by another sim
- Selfie of Time Lord AND their companion
- Selfie or photo of Time Lord in a Rental Lot (time travel roleplay)
- Highest level crafted item by Time Lord (masterpiece painting, bestseller book, excellent woodwork, etc.)
- Gold-level reward items from social events
- Career rewards items
- Career crafted items
You can have more than 2
mementos per incarnation, but only 2 will be counted for points. You
can have dedicated rooms for your collections and mementos, like a
museum within your lot.
cannot pick what your Time Lord likes or dislikes.
Let them decide.
During the course of the challenge, you will gain a lot of aspiration points. You must aim for 6,500 aspiration points per incarnation, which you will use to buy Youth Potions and Re-Traiting Potions. Youth Potions and Re-Traiting Potions are strictly limited to the regeneration phase. You cannot buy these except in the regeneration phase.
All other potions are
purchasable at any time, and encouraged.
traits that are greater than 1,000 Aspiration Points are forbidden.
You can only buy reward traits that are 1,000 Aspiration Points or
In the Doctor Who universe, a Time Lord regenerates when they are mortally wounded or in the brink of death. (click here to learn more)
If you have three to zero days remaining as an Adult, you must begin the regeneration phase. There will be a notification for your birthday to remind you so don't forget! You can also begin the regeneration phase at any time only after you've completed your Time Lord's Aspiration and Mementos.
If an expansion/game/stuff pack has an item or activity that resets your Time Lord’s age, you cannot use that item or activity. Only youth potions are allowed to reset their age.
If you do not have enough points to purchase a Youth Potion and/or Re-Traiting Potions, open the cheat console by pressing and holding CTRL-SHIFT-C. In the console, type in testingcheats on and then type sims.give_satisfaction_points 1500 for Youth Potion and/or sims.give_satisfaction_points 5000 for Re-Traiting Potion.
Once done, follow these steps for the regeneration phase:
- Buy and Drink the Youth Potion from the Rewards Store.
- Buy and Drink the Re-Traiting Potion from the Rewards Store.
- Pick two new traits NOT used by past Time Lords. The third trait can be a previously used trait or any trait.
- To keep track of what traits you had picked, click here for the tracking sheet:
- If you are following the "Path of The Doctor", click here for the tracking sheet:
- After picking new traits, open the cheat console. To do this, press and hold CTRL-SHIFT-C.
- Type in cas.fulleditmode
- Go to the Simology Panel (Hotkey - Y) and click "Enter Create a Sim" under "Likes and Dislikes"
- WARNING! If you had enabled cas.fulleditmode and you changed your Time Lord’s age in CAS, all reward traits and purchased traits will be deleted. If you accidentally switched their age in CAS, cancel the edit and return to Step 8.
- In Create-A-Sim, randomize the look of your Time Lord. You can tweak their appearance, voice, gender and walk. They should not look like previous Time Lords.
- Likes and dislikes must be reset. If there are any music genre or activity that are liked or dislikes, you must uncheck them. You can keep at least (1) Like or Dislike.
- Change their first name to the next number. For example, if you are changing the “First”, then you must change their name to “Second”.
- Save the Time Lord in your Gallery. This is your backup in case of an unfortunate death. If you want to share, add the hashtag #timelordchallenge.
- Press Done
After a Time Lord regenerates, they may experience memory loss, confusion and/or erratic behavior (Click for an example). Also, their TARDIS can undergo a catastrophic malfunction (Click for an example).
For two days, your Time Lord will undergo these regeneration aftermath. On your tracking sheet, make note of the time when your Time Lord regenerated. This will be your guide on when the aftermath ends.
During the aftermath, your Time Lord cannot use Friendly Interactions. They can only use Funny, Mischief, Mean and Romantic Interactions. If you have AUTONOMY ON, Friendly Interaction they do themselves is allowed. However, you cannot cancel any interactions they autonomously choose.
If your Time Lord accidentally dies during the challenge, you must retrieve them from your Gallery. All progress that were attained between saving your Time Lord in the Gallery and their unfortunate death will be lost. This loss of progress will be the penalty.
To retrieve your Time Lord from your Gallery, follow these steps:
- Go To Manage World
- Click your Time Lord’s lot
- On the options at the bottom-right, click “More”, “Manage Household” and “Edit, Add or Remove Sim…”
- In Create-A-Sim, open The Gallery and click “My Library” tab
- Click the recently deceased Time Lord
- Click “Place Household”
- If placing your Time Lord adds any other sims, delete those sims.
- Click “Play”
Aspirations (26 Points)
2 Points for each selfie taken for Aspiration completion. Limit 1 selfie per incarnation.
Collections (24 Points)
3 Points for each completed Collection. Limit 8 collections.
Mementos (26 Points)
1 Point for each memento. Limit 2 per incarnation.
Minus 1 Point for each Potion of Youth purchased with sims.give_satisfaction_points cheat.
Minus 1 Point for each Re-Traiting Potion purchased with sims.give_satisfaction_points cheat.
To enhance your gameplay, click here for the ROLEPLAYING GUIDE.
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