The largest update is Regeneration Aftermath, which will really simulate the after-effects of regeneration. With "Off The Grid" lot trait, the TARDIS can also suffer a catastrophic malfunction (only temporarily).
- Added Regeneration Aftermath to each game plays.
- Removed Regeneration Sickness from roleplaying guide since it's replaced by the above.
- Allowed money cheats on each game plays.
Updated the Regeneration section by removing "cas.fulleditmode". You will now randomize their look by clicking their face and clicking the dice button on the right panel.- Reverted this update
- Removed Off-Site TARDIS since money cheats are now allowed.
- Increased Collections goal from 6 to 8. This is because money cheats are now allowed.
- Added Thirteenth Doctor in the Path of the Doctor tracking sheet
- Added note on saving your lot during Regeneration Aftermath
- Added note on Aspiration & Reward Store Restrictions. You are not allowed to choose and complete the Beach Life aspiration.
- Added Temperamental TARDIS on all gameplay rules.