Tuesday, February 11, 2025

February 2025 Update

Well... FINALLY we have an expansion pack that complements and enhances this challenge perfectly!

When the expansion came out 4 months ago, I had thought of checking back into The Sims 4, but was busy, and it fell through. Now that I have time, I finally got it, and it percolated all these ideas on how to fit the expansion to the challenge's narrative.

Been testing the expansion out for two weeks, and I finally have an idea on the gameplay rules for the expansion. You can see the ruleset at the right navigation bar, or on this link: https://sims4timelordchallenge.blogspot.com/p/life-death-expansion-pack-gameplay.html

Anyway, this expansion really has revitalized (or regenerated) my love for the game. Previously, I've been forcing myself to play it, but nothing really "clicked" with me. I do love Time Lords and Time Travel, and "roleplaying" as one through The Sims is what I had enjoyed when I created this challenge.

Friday, November 19, 2021

November 2021 Update

After a long hiatus, I came back playing Sims 4. Tried some legacy challenges and just playing normal, but I always return to my Time Lord. I think I have this fantasy of being a time traveler and being immortal.

Anyway, with a good month replaying and taking notes of how it's keeping me engaged this time around. I noticed that restricting money cheats for this challenge was a mistake. There are already objectives tied to the challenge that makes it worthwhile, and money is easy to make in this game anyway. So with that, money cheats are allowed once again.

Because money cheats are allowed, I also modified the Temperamental TARDIS rules. Instead of gaining or losing money every billing cycle, you are now penalized with low-level furniture. So one week you'll be stuck with an uncomfortable bed and next week maybe a low-grade shower and toilet. 

Finally, I revised the rules for the "Likes and Dislikes" feature added to the base game. At the start, you don't have any likes or dislikes. During the course of the challenge, when the game asks if your Time Lord likes or dislikes something, then you must accept. When regenerating, likes and dislikes are once again reset. This has been fun since you get to see your Time Lord's preferences evolve.

All these changes had "testingcheats" in mind. You'll notice that the rules won't need testingcheats to be on anymore.

So, in summary

  • Money cheats are now allowed.
  • Temperamental TARDIS is revamped. Instead of losing or gaining money, you are now penalized with low-level furniture based on your dice roll.
  • Revised rules for "Likes and Dislikes" and added section for it in the rules.
  • Removed "testingcheats on" step from Regeneration Phase.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

November 2021 Minor Update

 Replaying The Sims 4 as more expansions and (kits?) are rolling in. I made a minor update on the steps regarding regeneration. Right now, there's no need to enable "testingcheats" since I used that for "Modify on CAS." With the "Likes and Dislikes" update, the "Enter Create A Sim" is accessible through the Simology Panel, making the regeneration easier.

In summary

  • Removed "testingcheats on" step from Regeneration Phase.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

November 2020 Update

With the new base game patch, I updated the rules that takes advantage of "rental lots." I've always disliked how I can travel to places, but can't stay there for a set duration. Now, with the rental lots, our Time Lords can really "time travel" and vacation there. Another great thing with staying at vacation lots is having access to collectible nodes for your Time Lord's collections.

Also, I've simplified the Temperamental TARDIS. I took out the penalty rule regarding spending all of your simoleons. Since simoleones can be dumped into vacation lots, this penalty rule didn't have a place in the challenge anymore. 

In summary:

  • Removed the penalty rule on Temperamental TARDIS.
  • Increased the money table on Temperamental TARDIS.
  • Changed the companion moving in rule. Can only add 1k simoleons to household.
  • Added section regarding "Rental Lots" in the Time Travel Guide.


Wednesday, June 10, 2020

June 2020 Update

So, rules have been updated, but not too drastic! Here's what changed:
  • Gameplay option "Build Mode Items Grant Gameplay Effects" needs to be "Checked"
  • Removed the rule where you can only buy beds with Comfort of 6 or less
  • Allows "motherlode" cheat ONLY ONCE and ONLY AT THE FIRST DAY of the challenge.
  • Skills objectives is removed.
  • Aspiration objectives now require you to take a selfie whenever you complete an aspiration.
  • Selfies do not count as a Memento anymore.
  • Reward traits that cost 1,000 aspiration points or less are now purchasable. However, anything over 1,000 aspiration points are forbidden.
  • Added "Companion Story Arc" in the roleplaying guide section. It's a suggestion where you can change a companion's traits as a story line.

Friday, August 9, 2019

August 2019 Minor Update

  • Updated Temperamental TARDIS roll table:
    • 1: money 4,000
    • 2: money 8,000
    • 3: money 12,000
    • 4: money 16,000
    • 5: money 20,000
    • 6: money 24,000

Thursday, July 18, 2019

July 2019 Update

Hey Time Lords and Time Ladies, I updated the rules to keep things interesting. I've also de-emphasized the "rags to riches" aspect of the challenge, so I'm emphasizing more on the collections and mementos.

The largest update is Regeneration Aftermath, which will really simulate the after-effects of regeneration. With "Off The Grid" lot trait, the TARDIS can also suffer a catastrophic malfunction (only temporarily).
  • Added Regeneration Aftermath to each game plays.
    • Removed Regeneration Sickness from roleplaying guide since it's replaced by the above. 
  • Allowed money cheats on each game plays.
  • Updated the Regeneration section by removing "cas.fulleditmode". You will now randomize their look by clicking their face and clicking the dice button on the right panel.
    • Reverted this update
  • Removed Off-Site TARDIS since money cheats are now allowed.
  • Increased Collections goal from 6 to 8. This is because money cheats are now allowed. 
  • Added Thirteenth Doctor in the Path of the Doctor tracking sheet 
 UPDATE 7/19/2019
  • Added note on saving your lot during Regeneration Aftermath
  • Added note on Aspiration & Reward Store Restrictions. You are not allowed to choose and complete the Beach Life aspiration.
UPDATE 7/22/2019
  • Added Temperamental TARDIS on all gameplay rules.